Contact: +49 152 373 023 14  –  Consular registration of Malagasy nationals is now online here
Contact: +49 152 373 023 14  –  Consular registration of Malagasy nationals is now online here

On July 26th, 2019, the Embassy sealed the commitment “beyond death” of: RALAMBOMAHAY Jaonatiana and RANDRIANARISOA Maya Koloina

After the welcoming words of Mrs. Le Chargé d’affaires a.i., Rafaramalala ép. Ratsimba Florence Isabelle, and the words of thanks for the trust placed in the Malagasy Administration, represented by the Embassy in Germany, the couple said “YES” before the Civil Registrar and the witnesses.

The latter renewed their commitment to accompany them in this destiny, from now on linked.

After the official part, the “tsodrano” (traditional blessing) and the family photos, the Embassy offered a drink to the couple and the witnesses, reflecting the generosity and hospitality of the Malagasy.We wish them all the love and every success until the end.