24.02.2020 | Cultural and Social, Featured, News
Three Malagasy doctors operating respectively in Antananarivo, Ejeda and Manambaro (Regions of the Deep South of Madagascar) carried out a two-week discovery and exchange mission in Berlin. An evaluation of their mission in the framework of the cooperation with GIZ,...
14.02.2020 | Economic and Tourism, Featured, News
The national colours go well with organic products at this year’s Nürnberg Fair. For the first time, a pavilion is flying the Malagasy flag, the fruit of the commitment, perseverance, solidarity and professionalism of the operators in the sector, grouped...
11.02.2020 | Diaspora, Featured, News
Call for applications for the post of “Head of the Conference Service” at the Secretariat of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP), based in Brussels, Belgium. Job description and conditions of service and employment related to the...
10.02.2020 | Diaspora, Featured, News
COMESA Secretariat Vacancy Announcement Call for Applications for the Position of Value Chain Expert Call for applications for the position of Market Access Expert / Team Leader COMESA Application...
04.02.2020 | Cultural and Social, Diaspora, Featured, News
The SAKAIZA Association, founded in 2019, invited numerous guests to its first major event for a wider audience beyond the members of the association. Our guests of honour were Mrs. Florence Isabelle Rafaramalala, the Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the Embassy of the...
03.02.2020 | Consular and Diplomatic, Economic and Tourism, Featured, News
The visit of the Riela Company stand at the International Green Week Fair by Ambassadors and Heads of Mission from SADC countries.The partnership is still active for some countries like South Africa, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and open for Madagascar. Grüne Woche 2020 Grüne...
03.02.2020 | Economic and Tourism, Featured, News
Madagascar a été représenté à la Foire de la Semaine Verte maintenant depuis dix ans par Mada Spice, dont les fidèles clients retrouveront le Stand grâce aux épices de la Grande Île.Le produit phare de Madagascar est par ailleurs la vanille, un Stand « Vanille de...