25.10.2018 | Cultural and Social, Featured
Le Chargé d’Affaires a.i et tout le personnel de l’Ambassade de Madagascar à Berlin tiennent à remercier sincèrement Mme Flavie Horace pour son travail irréprochable, dans la bonne humeur qu‘elle a effectué avec dévouement à l’Ambassade de Madagascar Berlin depuis 20...
19.10.2018 | Cultural and Social, Diaspora, Featured
Civil wedding celebration of Miora Ismène Claudia MALALAHARISOA and Jonatan TSILAVINA, October 19th, 2018, at the Embassy of Madagascar Sincere congratulations to the...
03.10.2018 | Consular and Diplomatic, Featured, News
This year’s celebration was focused on the theme “Only with you” (Nur mit euch). Berlin was honored, among other things, as a Federal Capital, marked by a white stone in history, written by committed actors from all sides and at all levels,...