18.12.2018 | Consular and Diplomatic, Featured, News
This high-level African Union – European Union Conference was organised at the initiative of Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz as President of the Council of the European Union and President Paul Kagame of Rwanda, in his capacity as President of the African...
17.12.2018 | Consular and Diplomatic, Featured, News
The invitation to the “Advent Café” by the Regional Director for Sub-Saharan Africa and the Sahel to the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, widely honoured by African Ambassadors and Heads of Mission, generally marks the end of this year’s...
14.12.2018 | Cultural and Social, Diaspora, Featured, News
KRIL Rabevonina Siriah Daniel and RASOANJARIMAMONJY Diamondra Liantsoa RAKOTONINDRINA Tokiniaina Angelo Bernard and RAZANAMPARANY Elisabette RenatSincere congratulations to the...
12.12.2018 | Consular and Diplomatic, Featured, News
The continuation of FES activities was discussed, while highlighting the new components “support for industrial policy and the development of the green economy”, which strengthen the FES’ focus sectors, namely support for the democratic process and...
12.12.2018 | Economic and Tourism, Featured, News
On the invitation of Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture BMEL Julia Knöckner, the heads of diplomatic missions of the Embassies in Berlin, including the representative of the Embassy of Madagascar, attended the reception on 12 December at the Ministry.This...
10.12.2018 | Economic and Tourism, Featured, News
The Malagasy delegation led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs is participating in the 24th United Nations Climate Change Conference, which is being held from 3 to 14 December in Katowice. Some members of the Embassy of Madagascar in Berlin had the opportunity to...
08.12.2018 | Cultural and Social, Diaspora, News
On this occasion, a mass was held at the Mariä Himmelfahrt Parish House (Dachau), led by the pastors RAVALITERA Jean, RAVALITERA Lydia, RASOANIRINA Nina and Rivo. This mass was followed by a lunch, shared by more than 250 guests, the two representatives of the...
07.12.2018 | Consular and Diplomatic, Diaspora, Featured, News
A first mission of the Chargé d’affaires a.i. for a courtesy visit and initial contacts with the Director General in charge of the Africa and Middle East Region of the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been optimized to meet representatives of the Diaspora...
05.12.2018 | Economic and Tourism, Featured, News
Some members of the Embassy received the representative of the Hamburg-based company HOL’INTEC, Dr. Michael Mukengele for a presentation session on its technological product needed for stabilization, road construction or rapid repair of road holes. This...