26.08.2019 | Cultural and Social, Diaspora, Featured, News
Miombona alahelo amin’ny fianakaviana manontolo, ny havana ny namana sy ny tapaka rehetra Ramatoa Rafaramalala Ratsimba Florence Isabelle sy ny mpiara-miasa rehetra eto amin’ny Masoivoho malagasy eto Alemaina nohon’ny nahalasanan’Itompokolahy...
26.08.2019 | Economic and Tourism, Featured, News
You are cordially invited to attend: The 1st International Tourism and Transport Forum WAVE in Madagascar from September 17th to 20th, 2019 More information on Accueil Invitation Information...
19.08.2019 | Consular and Diplomatic, Featured, News
As part of the Federal Government’s Open Day on 17 and 18 August 2019, the Diplomatic Corps was present at the invitation of Dr. Gerd Müller, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development on the first day. The latter, on mission to Rwanda, the...
19.08.2019 | Cultural and Social, Diaspora, Featured, News
Young Malagasy couples are delighted to be able to organize their civil marriage at the Embassy of Madagascar in Germany. Falkensee seems difficult to access by public transport, but once there, the place offers a dignified and appreciated setting. This is how civil...
05.08.2019 | Cultural and Social, Diaspora, Featured, News
On July 26th, 2019, the Embassy sealed the commitment “beyond death” of: RALAMBOMAHAY Jaonatiana and RANDRIANARISOA Maya Koloina After the welcoming words of Mrs. Le Chargé d’affaires a.i., Rafaramalala ép. Ratsimba Florence Isabelle, and the words...