Arge Netz, one of Germany’s largest renewable energy companies in the Schleswig-Holstein region, invited diplomatic representatives, including Madagascar, to present the group and the new structure REFA “Renewable Energy for Africa”. The Federal Minister of Energy and Economics, BMWi, paid tribute to this event with her attendance.
Established in December 2017, REFA, which is made up of companies from the region, aims to create appropriate structures on the African continent for the project development, implementation and use of wind, photovoltaic and biomass energy in decentralised regions to meet the real needs of rural communities, involving the population, the mayors and civil society.
The Federal Minister of Energy and Economic Affairs, who visited several African countries in 2017, confirmed that her ministry supports German companies in their search for an African market and the chambers of commerce and industry that want to accompany African countries in their development. It should also be noted that Madagascar, as a country selected by the BMWi, benefits from the “Energy Export Initiative” 2015-2018, which has been extended for a further 5 years.
Finally, the President of the Afrika-Verein recalled the three important measures expected of German companies: an investment guarantee, support from the Federal Government and special attention by the Federal Government for Africa.