Contact: +49 152 373 023 14  –  Consular registration of Malagasy nationals is now online here
Contact: +49 152 373 023 14  –  Consular registration of Malagasy nationals is now online here

With the arrival of spring, like the arrival of the “Fararano”, harvest season in Madagascar, marriages follow one another.

On 22 March 2019, the Embassy sealed the signature between Rakotondramana Ihajaniaina Tahiana and Rakotomalafarantsa Sarobidy Misarijaona. The other couple did not want the information about them to be published.

After the expression of their free consent, they concluded the contracts of a shared common life throughout their existence, not without referring to the Love of God the Creator, from which they will draw the source and strength to honour this promise.

The witnesses, on their side, renewed their commitment to accompany the couples in this destiny, now linked.

After the official part, the “tsodrano” (the traditional blessing) and the taking of pictures, the Embassy offered a drink to the couples and the guests, reflecting Malagasy culture and hospitality.

We wish them strength and good will to keep the commitment with love until the end.