The Director of Human Resources, the Director of Studies and Planning and two heads of service are making during a week a mission to the embassies of Madagascar in Europe, and began with courage and determination their journey in Berlin.
The purpose of this mission is various: among other things, to note on the ground the state of Chancelleries and Residences, to exchange and raise awareness about the missions and challenges of the staff members, to present subsequently the Plan of priority sectoral actions of the MAE and new projects useful for the well operation of REPEX such as the trade account, the training of the depositories. Staff questions and remarks were put directly to the missionaries, in particular on days off, formalities to be respected in case of retirement, importance of social networks.
This meeting rich in exchanges, shares in a very friendly atmosphere was constructive with the view to enable the staff of the Embassies most efficient and effective while ensuring good visibility of Madagascar abroad.