The organizers of CEBIT Hannover, “Europe’s Business Festival for Innovation and Digitization” together with those of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs invited the diplomats of Berlin for a guided tour of the pioner’s stands of this platform for meetings and exchanges in the fields of future mobility, artificial intelligence and virtual reality. A representative of the Embassy attended this visit, a real opportunity to discover the latest trends in digitalization.
CEBIT’s new concept for this 2018 edition offers four themes:·
- D! Conomy, for IT professionals, the main public and private decision-makers. It includes digitalization of business, administration, IoT (Internet of Things), security, communication and networks, distribution, mobile solutions and data centers.·
- D! Tec, reserved for start-ups, developers, innovations·
- D! Talk, conference platform for visionaries, international experts·
- D! Campus, place of relaxation and recreational activities where all the actors can exchange while enjoying jazz concerts played by robots, while eating or drinking.
Several German companies and those from other countries including Japan, which is also the partner country, have exhibited their know-how, their technological prototype. Such is the case of companies such as IBM and Airbus with their invention called CIMON, assistant astronauts in their daily lives, or Audi with their autonomous car prototype, or SAP with their solution to fully manage a theme park to obtain maximum productivity in terms of finances, logistics, security, customers. All the products exhibited have been designed and developed by teams composed of international engineers and genius beginners or experienced.
Private and public Malagasy digital players should support and encourage talented young people to develop their know-how by intensifying the search for foreign partnerships in capacity building. On the local level, they should promote start-ups, since now we live in a connected and digitized world.