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Contact: +49 152 373 023 14  – Konsularische Registrierung madagassischer Staatsangehöriger ist jetzt online hier
Contact: +49 152 373 023 14  – Konsularische Registrierung madagassischer Staatsangehöriger ist jetzt online hier

Three Malagasy doctors operating respectively in Antananarivo, Ejeda and Manambaro (Regions of the Deep South of Madagascar) carried out a two-week discovery and exchange mission in Berlin. An evaluation of their mission in the framework of the cooperation with GIZ, Clinical Partnership project, implemented in partnership with Doctors for Madagascar, within the mTOMADY project, took place in Berlin on 19 February.

The Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Embassy graced the meeting with her presence.
Cooperation in the field of health, and in particular the first project on e-health, is strongly encouraged.

Tribute to all the actors on the ground, including the German team, who directly support women in the framework of childbirth.